Mein erster Eintrag als rechtspfötiges Pfötchen. Meine bessere Hälfe, nämlich das linkspfötige Pfötchen, ist schon ein Profiblogger.
Trotzdem will ich Euch heute eine Schüttelkarte präsentieren. Die Idee zur Karte kommt vom Hochzeitsantrag, der mittels Smarties gemacht wurde. Diese Idee haben wir Pfötchen aufgegriffen und eine Smarties-Schüttel Hochzeitskarte gebastelt (die Box war mal eine Käseschachtel - lach).
Unter der Smarties-Schachtel ist das Foto des Hochzeitspaar. Aus Datenschutzgründen muss das Bild verdeckt bleiben!
Viele viele bunte Smarties.....wenn man gut schüttelt! :-)
Und hinten drauf eine Karte, die noch ihren Text finden muss!
Na, dann hoffen wir, dass die Hochzeit ein voller Erfolg wird.
Euer rechtspfötiges Pfötchen!!!
Bei diesen Challenges versuche ich es mal:
The Pink Elephant Embellishments
Take Time for You Anything goes
Theme Thursday Promises
Sarah Hurley Challenge Alter Something
Hi there and welcome to Theme Thursday.
AntwortenLöschenVery nice to have you. Also wish to thank you for the translation thingy, but I did try to figure out what was said at first. I think I only understood a few words but probably did not understand what was exactly said.
I think that is a really cool idea to have at a wedding and whoever thought it up did a nice job.
I wish you all the best in that I think you have not had the wedding as of yet. And the only advice I could possibly put on the Smarties gift would be to "Only make the vows that you know you have the best chance to keep. And if they are ever broken just know deep down in your heart that you did you best to try and keep them."
Life together can be the most wonderful thing and being best friends along with lovers will always make for a best marriage. I love to see couples stay together till the end of their days. It is a most wondrous thing. And always say "I love you!" each time you leave to go somewhere or talk on a phone. They are the three most important words in a marriage and the two most important words are "I'm sorry!". That is what couples who have been together a long time almost always say to each other.
Best wishes and again thanks for playing with us. I hope you will join our journey of weekly Thursday Theme. We are blessed to have you.
God bless.
I find the tokens of wedding promises interesting--the promise is an internal blessing that has been witnessed by God and a congregation of family and friends--but this box and the pictures will bring smiles in years to come.
AntwortenLöschenVery nice! Thank you for playing along with The Pink Elephant Challenge!
AntwortenLöschenIt's lovely.I like the little hearts.Thanks for sharing it at Sarah Hurley's Challenge Blog.